Angeriton Holdings Limited was incorporated on 07/01/09 as a private trading company as constituted by its Memorandum and Articles of Association.

The company deals in retail and wholesale of petroleum products which includes diesel, premium, kerosene, industrial diesel oil and the company imports Bitumen and Fuel Oil.

Angeriton has a diverse portfolio of customers in the petroleum industry that is constantly expanding as a result of the proven reputation for quality products and on time delivery within budget. We have successfully supplied major companies all over the country and our reputation and ability to supply quality products in the shortest possible time is revered.

Angeriton has been dealing in the Oil Industry for many years to date as Transporters and Service Station dealers before venturing in Bulk Fuel Business.

Our business has been established on the twin foundations of quality products and customer service and it aims to provide the most comprehensive range of the highest quality products and services to our clients at competitive prices.

Angeriton has the local knowledge in the Oil handling practices, regulatory requirements and preferred practices. Currently, the business operations extensively covers the Nairobi, Coast, Central, Rift valley, Western, Nyanza and Eastern Regions.